S-Aframe Usage

1. Download related projects:

The related projects can be downloaded via this download page.

·         android-core: This is the foundation library that our project is based on. This Android library project facilitates the support of AmbientTalk capabilities.

·         at2-android: This is the template project where the developers start the application development.

2. Import the two projects into eclipse:

This section specifies how to import the above two projects into eclipse. For those who are familiar with eclipse, please skip this section.

2.1. In eclipse menu, click File à import…, then in the popup window, select General à Existing Projects into Workspace, then click next, shown as follows.

2.2. In the window “Import Projects”, select folder where the project “android-core” is saved, then click OK. Click Finish.

2.3. Import the project “at2-android” by similar steps as described above.

2.4. Compile the workspace by clicking the Project menu and select Build All, or press the Button Ctro-B in the keyboard. There should not be any failure reported. The build result is shown as follows:

3. Mobile agent development:

This section explains how to use our mobile AFrame to develop a mobile agent.

The template project “at2-android” is a start point for the mobile application development. You can change the project configurations, UI and source code according to your requirement. However, the Mobile AFrame libs is ready for use in this project and the developer can start coding directly with any additional configuration. The layout of the project is shown as the following figure. Our ambienttalk foundation library implementation is in the folder assets/atlib/aframe. The AFrame JAVA class is in the folder src/atVM, src/mobileAgent and src/residenceAgent.

3.1. Init the mobile Aframe and residence agent

Use the following code to init a AFrame:

1 AFrame aFrame1 = new AFrame(args);

2 ResidenceAgent ra1 = aFrame1.getResidenceAgent();

The source code is self explained: in line1, an AFrame object “aFrame1” is declared and in line 2 the corresponding residence agent can be acquired by the getResidenceAgent() method from the aFrame1 object.

NOTE: globally, one mobile device is only allowed to declare one AFrame and mobile agent. An error will be reported if multiple AFrame is declared.

3.2. Create a mobile agent:

A mobile agent has to implement the interface IApplication. The method mobileAgentComeBack() is a callback function invoked by this mobile when it comes back with the mobile agent id and the result data as parameters. A mobile agent can be created and released by the following code snippets:

//create a mobile agent

1 GeneralMobileAgent ma1 = aFrame1.createMobileAgent();

//show the mobile agent id

2 System.out.println("mobile agent created: " + ma1.getId());

//set the mobile agent execution and type:

//the first parameter is the key of the mobile agent.

//This is specific to what kind of data to collect when a mobile agent executes at other residence agent.

//The second parameter is the type of the mobile agent.

//There are three types of mobile agent:

//type value 1 means mobileAgent invoking framework service

//type value 2 means mobileAgent invoking application specific service

//type value 3 means mobileAgent get data file meta-data

3 ma1.getApplicationSpecificMobileAgent("time", "1");

//set the owner (the residence agent which releases the mobile agent) of the mobile agent

4 ma1.setOwner(ra1.getResidenceAgentName());

//set the name of the mobile agent

5 String appName = "test";

6 ma1.setAppName(appName);

//registration of the mobile agent to residence agent.

7 ra1.register(appName, new TestInit());

//set the delay that how lang the mobile agent sleep before going to the next residence agent

8 ma1.setDelay(5000);

//how mobile agent transition in the network, the possible values are: allNodes, oneStep (mobile agent transits to the next residence agent and stops there), subset (mobile agent transits to a subset of the network).

9 ma1.setTransitionMode("allNodes");

//Set the transition subset. The lines of 10 and 11 are dummy since the transition mode is allNodes.

10 Collection<String> set = new ArrayList<String>();

11 ma1.setTransitionSet(set);

//execute mobile agent at the current residence agent

12 ma1.execute();

//transits the mobile agent to the next node. The first parameter is used to tell mobile agent to clean the data if left. The second parameter is used to tell mobile agent to take the execution data away.

13 ma1.transitToNextNode(true, true);

A sample implementation of mobile agent can be found at the folder src/atVM/testInit.java

4. Development of application specific service

This section explain the development of the application specific service.

4.1. JAVA Implementation of application specific service.

The development of application specific application is any class that implement the interface: residenceAgent. IApplicationService

The interface is declared as follows:


       * execute method, this method can be invoked by the mobile agent when it

       * comes to one node.


       * @return the result of the service execution, when this returned to the

       *         mobile agent, it can decide whether to take it away or leave it

       *         at the node.


      public String executeService();


      public int getDelay();

The explanation in the source code is straightforward thus we omit the further explanation. Two examples can be found at: src/residenceAgent/applicationService/demoIPAddressService and PictureService.

4.2 Registration of the application specific service to residence agent

If the application specific service implementation class is residenceAgent.applicationService.demo.IPAddressService, then:

1 Open the file: assets/atlib/aframe/frameWorkInit.at

2 Add two lines as follows:

#1 def ipAddressService := jlobby.residenceAgent.applicationService.demo.IPAddressService.new();

#2 residenceAgent.addApplicationService("ipAddressService", ipAddressService);

In line #1, an ipAddressService is declared with the java class. The java class has the syntax of jlobby.class.package.name format. Then in line #2, the service is registerd to the residenceAgent for the invocation of mobile agent. The first parameter is the key, which is used by the mobile agent for invocation and the second parameter is the service declared in the previous line.


Mobile SOA Framework Usage

Apart from Aframe framework, the current version of the mobile SOA framework is composed with two Maven based Android Projects: i-jetty-ui and webapp. Both the projects are based on the open source implementation mobile service application implementation from the i-jetty community.

1.    Install the mobile soa server environment on your mobile device, which is implemented by the project i-jetty-ui. The location of the complied release for the Android platform is here.

2.    Implement the rest web service class.

In eclipse, import the project webapp. The work of the rest service implementation class should be done in this project. We adopt the resource oriented rest service design principle: the method information is presented as HTTP method (GET, POST , PUT , DELETE methods represent CRUD data operation respectively). Based on this principle, we propose a few design constraints that the developers need to follow. We will specify these constraints later.

As an example, a server side GPS information rest service implementation to provide GPS information of the server using HTTP GET method can be implemented in the following way:

(1) Declare the service implementation class:

public class GPSService {

As what you have seen, the service implementation class can be just as a POJO. You don't need to be subclass of other classes or implemente a specific interface.

(2) Declare the service implementation method inside the implementation class:

public String getGPSInfo(String requestURL, ServletConfig config) {

NOTE: We require the service method declaration has two parameters: requestURl and config of types: String and ServletConfig. The requestURL is the information of the request URL of the client. The config contains handlers for the access of Android API and i-jetty mobile server APIs. Both the information will be useful in the implementation of the mobile rest service.

(3) Mobile rest service implementation

Although a specific GPS service implementation can be the following. Actually any service implementation supported by Android API and i-jetty mobile server API can be developed and deployed.

Context androidContext = (Context) config.getServletContext()
LocationManager mgr = (LocationManager) androidContext

Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
String best = mgr.getBestProvider(criteria, true);
String result = best;
Location location = mgr.getLastKnownLocation(best);
if (location == null) {
result += "\nLocation[unknown]";
} else {
result += "\n" + location.toString();
return result;

3.    Edit the mapping configuration file. This file is located at the position services.conf. This file maps a combination of the HTTP request METHOD and the request url to the rest web service implementation class and the web service implementation method. The format of each line of the configuration file is:

requestURL,HTTP Method,service Impelmentation Class Name,Service Implementation Method Name. An example of the configuration is presented below.


The following is the constraints of the rest service class implementation and the format of the configuration files.


·         For each line of the configuration file, the format has to be: url,HTTPMethod,JAVAClass,Operation. Separated with only one comma and without any space or any other characters.

·         The url column has to be started with /console/services/*, for example: /console/services/test

·         The type of returning value has to be String. The whole string will be returned as the HTTP body of the response message.

·         The parameters of the rest service implementation methods have to be String for HTTP Method POST, PUT, and DELETE. This string is the HTTP body of the request message.

·         There should be no parameter for the rest service implementation method for HTTP Method GET, because the HTTP GET request message has no body at all. However, the url information can be used as parameters, as suggested by the design principle of resource orientation.

4.    Compile: Compile the project use maven. The compiled web service archive is available at console.war with all the examples in it.

5.    Deploy the service archive to the platform: in the mobile device, launch the previously installed mobile soa server environment, then deploy the web service archive. The deployment method is the same as a normal web archive deployment on the i-jetty server.

(4) A client side example

A specific client for the invocation of the GPS service may be the following.

try {
myurl = new URL("");
URLConnection uc = myurl.openConnection();
byte[] buf = new byte[2048];
BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int c;
while ((c = in.read(buf)) != -1) {
sb.append(new String(buf, 0, c));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

As you can see, the client initiates the HTTP request to the specific URL to using HTTP Get Method to get the result and print it out to the standard output.